Procedure, Protocol, Principles, Process
Each time a particular situation comes up that you're not sure how to handle, the RMI Manual is where you, as the LMF should come to search for. Here, we hope you will find, the *procedure, protocol, principles, and process to give you the foundation to use for your LMF. If you don't find it here, please help us build the RMI Manual by asking. This way, we can work with you on the particular situation and then set up the procedure, protocol, principles, and process for all the LMFs, now and those we are trusting will come.
We first SSG, which is confirmed when it's clearly “easy and light” and it takes into account "every nation, tribe, people, and language..." yet always emphasizing that each LMF needs to "abide, remain joined and connected to Him" so that we are assured you, your LMF and RMI will "bear much fruit."
*Procedure: An established or official way of doing something.
Protocol: A system of directions to know how things are done.
Principles: Using His Word as a foundation for what we do.
Process: How do we do it - often a list of steps.
Consistency is KEY to moving as One. For example, we ask each Ministry and even our IOU Students to always use the same GIVE—the same heart that's wrapped as a present and the word GIVE rather than donate. This and everything we do is based on a promise and/or a principle from God's Word.
“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”
“How can two walk together, except they be agreed?"
NEVER start from scratch. Make a copy of a form, a document, anything and everything, which means you'll see what components need to be part of what you're doing.
Copy and paste. To cut down on typos, always copy and paste such titles.
*RMIOUFT is where we're field training, testing and agreeing on websites to keep them consistent.
We also have an RMI Manual that we are constantly updating with new valuable information.
LMFs please STOP doing it yourself. He said, “Assign the work for others, allowing them to make an income, and it will mean improving the quality of the product because you, as the supervisor, will be following behind, looking over and checking the work done.”
Be sure to remind them JD2 "Just Do 2" and then check what they've done. DJ2 "Do Just 2"
LMFs, your job is to do one or more and record showing how. They do one and record to verify that you sign off to proceed. ALL students should be given the opportunity to look at the Opportunities posts. Yes, it’s easier to just use the same few to help or do it yourself; however, we cannot grow.
All ladies should be aware of this benefit for RMIOU students. Weekly blog posts to students list short descriptions linked to the main board. Embedded spreadsheet to drag up and down and color code with built-in columns for training needed and how much paid. Use
Any decision regarding purchasing and pointing domains cannot be made without permission from the Administration.
When choosing a domain remember to choose .com if available, if not available use .NET, then .ORG
There are Roles that give you permission to access our websites. If you have content for a website, especially IOU as a student, and you can't get onto this or any other page, comment below on the page to let the admin know what you need added.
When there is a large purchase, anything out of the ordinary, let the team know what it is for. RMI has been robbed and embezzled so many times we can't count them all. So we are trusting that you will watch and be careful and let us know what's going on when it's an unusually large debit card purchase, anything out of the ordinary that we might question or become concerned about.
*Note: Sometimes the order can take a long time to fill (such as in what prompted this to be added to the RMI Manual) a full month passed before the debit card was charged.
RRR Office (Ministering Office)
When anyone writes to ask questions, RMI’s policy is NOT to answer them in the email in RRR Office, but instead, we use it to "minister to the masses" and post it on our EW blog or IOU blog. After posting it, we email them the link.
“No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.”
Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire (MEQ)
When an MEQ comes into the office the following steps must be taken:
- Read through the MEQ.
- Look at her answer in the RMIOU field and select that part of the snippet to send to her, delete other RMIOU information.
- If she is interested in Zoom Orientation Meeting, keep the part of the snippet that asks her for suitable time, otherwise delete that part.
By finding us and filling out your Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire you have taken your first step in your Restoration Journey.
Please note: Should we read anything that will prevent GOD from restoring your marriage, we will contact you ASAP.
In the meantime, please take the next step in your Restoration Journey!
In case you haven't been redirected to the Evaluation page, here is the link:
>> I see you also would like a zoom meeting with one of our ministers. Please email us back any days and times that work well for you. << (Delete if not interested)

Make sure that you periodically go through your WSP messages and make sure they are all acknowledged with emojis and that nothing was overlooked.
“so that no advantage would be taken of us by the enemy, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.”
Telegram is much more secure than WhatsApp and Erin suggested we move over to Telegram.
Please set up your Telegram app with your BNN. An easy way may be as we use the WSP group, to start a similar one on Telegram, once everyone has joined, we close the the one on WSP.
Choosing Between Telegram Group and Channel: The group fosters community interaction, while the channel serves as a platform for broadcasting important updates.
Make sure that you periodically go through your Telegram messages and make sure they are all acknowledged with emojis and that nothing was overlooked.
“so that no advantage would be taken of us by the enemy, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.”
DT = DonorTools
When anyone donates through PayPal on our websites, Donor Tools does everything for us.
However, when we receive a donation through another source like Wise, Zelle, or checks sent to our POB are deposited into Bank of America, we must record that donation manually in our Donor Tools application in order that they, too, receive an email with the thank you and so they know we have received their donation.
**We are actively looking for new Payment Platforms so that everyone is able to easily tithe or give their offering everywhere around the world. If you know about any platforms you or your friends or family use, set it up to see if it's a Payment Platform you can use for your ministry and others may also be able to use by leaving a comment on Payment Platform.
If PayPal poses difficulties for certain ministries do NOT LEAD with that payment platform. Move it to the bottom option and move the most successful one to the primary.
REMEMBER we need to protect His sheep and lambs from the enemy’s scheme to rob them of His blessings and from stealing them from us so they aren’t able to continue to develop their relationship with Him.
Links that must be on your Website menu. Please keep the same order as well.
The links itself will be different depending on the site and the language. English goes to English Sites and Languages goes to your Language site.
Become a PARTNER
Menu emoji follows, webpage emoji leads
partner "where your heart is"
MTM Ministry Team Members twirling/rotating our hearts with His!
Never Married HOPEFUL faith of a child
📲 At the bottom left of a page, this means the webpage was checked from a phone.
Please ensure that all comments are attended to within 72 hours. When the webmaster checks the sites, this is the checklist that is used:
-Check Plugins to make sure they are all up to date.
-Wordfence Firewall and Scan to make sure it is all 100%
-View History to check if ADM and/or LMF Owner were there the previous day
-Check the comments to make sure that nothing older than one day is in the unapproved comments.
-Any messages that pop up that need attention.
-View the Site to make sure it works
There are some rules that you need to adhere to when working in Google Documents:
1. Make sure that the document is shared with the relevant role players.
2. Always make sure the main office is the owner. For example
3. Bridge the document, it should not be an island on its own. It should bridge to a main document and bridge back from the main document.
4. The information of the people that will work in that document should be at the top in a table.
5. Add each document such as a DTI to your PDO so in the likelihood you need help, we have a list of all you’re connected to and working on.
We have an amazing design team, RADD, who designs our logos for consistency and keeping the RMI brand flowing. Logos designed by RADD are the only logos permitted on LMF websites and also must comply with what logos are used where. For example, creativity and individuality can be expressed on the login registration page but not used as the main theme logo (that would show up when anyone is sharing a link as a text or social media. When in doubt, discuss it with your Husband and then make sure (by commenting on a webpage) if you are unsure if it's permitted to alert the Webmaster Team.
Allow for comments on ALL pages.
All comments must be manually approved, except for Editor and Administrator Level.
Once you reach a certain level in RMIOU, we assign a Ministry Gmail Office to you.
If you are only here for a Reason and a Season, we can forward any emails that come to you automatically to a provided forwarding address. If you do not wish to receive any emails, your email address will be deleted.
As Ministers/Shepherds, it's vital that His flock you've been entrusted and agreed to spiritual feed HAVE fresh grain and water, and their needs are being tended to—BEFORE dawn. Use works@home and, of course, discuss it with your Husband, your Maker.
- Each morning, seven days a week, you (or assign) must check your website’s dashboard to see an overview of everything— especially the variety of spiritual meals so they’re as varied and interesting as the food you prepare at home or what you would hope to see at a popular restaurant.
- Post a FRESH, real, and raw blog because sheep need fresh grain.
- Reply to comments because sheep need tending to.
- Use GOD's word often as sheep need fresh water.
- Lead your sheep to different fields (connect to other fields/websites).
- This includes the many lessons/courses (hopefully translated into your own language or using the many English websites and blogs—but when using these, you MUST provide guidance by way of an audio blog or heartfelt message from you as their Shepherd (this of course, would not be required for LMF Missionaries).
Can I use any of the RMI Resources (Books, lessons, testimonies)?
Answer: Yes, we’d love for you to share. You have our permission because it all belongs to the Lord. We simply ask that you keep to the rules of plagiarism by acknowledging that you did get it from our websites referring to the lesson or book. Thank you for asking.
"Delegating" the Key to Growth
Borrowed and revised from Workers@Home
How to designate who will do the job: I decide who the newest volunteer is who might be capable of doing the job. (Always begin at the bottom, the newest, least experienced, and work your way up.) Most of us start at the top and burn our best and busiest team members because it's easier, and we know it will get the job done. However, the consequences are burnout plus not helping your workforce grow. And when they leave, you have to do the task yourself.
Tasks in our ministry begin when a member or partner actively posts praise, especially commenting (showing compassion and may work well with others). Before that time, you spend far more energy getting them to do it and do it properly, only for them to leave.
UTrain2 is wise so that you ideally have two learning the task, taking turns and should one leave, you have another to "recruit" another worker. Ask your worker to find and train someone—who, most likely, you're unaware of. Just be sure you are informed.
I found the easiest way to delegate is each time you do something you need to do, or assign it for someone else to do, then (rather than grab a 3x5 card and write that task on it) create a calendar event.
- Decide how often the task needs to be done: daily, weekly, or monthly. (And if it is on a spreadsheet, like workers@home) highlight the row blue card for something daily, yellow if it’s weekly, and green if it's monthly.
- If you have team members or volunteers: determine who could do the task.
- Start at the newest person on the team then work your way up.
- I've named this ingenious principle the "Macy Principle" since she was the youngest of the 7 children— so I always began with Macy to give a new task to.
- If Macy weren't capable, then I'd consider Cooper and work my way up—rather than begin at the top and overwhelm the oldest (capable of doing just about everything) child.
- This method is ideal for work as well and what we ask our LMFs to follow.
- Determine when or what day of the week or month it needs to be done, and use blue for something daily, yellow if it’s weekly, and green if it's monthly.
When new/renewed resources become available, we publish them on our Encouraging Women Blog.
Please update or translate this for your LMF Ministry and then publish it on your blog as well so you are always sure to not hide it.
“No one lights a lamp and then covers it with a bowl or hides it under a bed. A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house." L816
Always remember to add the link to the original English page and on the English to make sure everyone also knows you have it available in your language.
English • Español • Português • Français • Slovenský • Afrikaans • Tagalog • Dutch • Türkçe • Polski
Renewal of Licensed Ministry Franchises
You will be notified 2 weeks before your Licensed Ministry Franchise comes up for renewal.
The renewal notification is sent with a calendar event that you may have already accepted, so please make sure that you check your calendar every day for all upcoming events so you don't miss them.
The reason you are notified 2 weeks in advance is in order for you to prepare a 5-minute video which should contain the following information:
- The fruits of your ministry over the last period of your agreement.
- The challenges you faced during the year.
- The vision for the future (What things is He leading you to implement and improve this coming period)
Upload your video to Google Drive in the LMF Fruits Video Folder and link it to your Agreement before the expiration date of your agreement.
Please Tag:
Periodically the bookkeeper gets a message from PayPal that a "We couldn't process your recurring payment." This is often due to there not being sufficient funds in the donor's account. Since this is not something we can fix from our side, it is our responsibility to reach out to the donor to make sure they are safe from the devourer. We all understand the benefits of tithing but also the dangers, therefore, it is our responsibility to reach out.
“And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,” Says the LORD of hosts; “And all nations will call you blessed, For you will be a delightful land,” Says the LORD of hosts."
These are the steps we take. *Due to security reasons, we are not able to provide all the links, but it is available in the PayPal DTI:
1) Find the donor on the DonorTools spreadsheet and mark her name with a light red color.
2) Look for alternative emails. It may be that she uses a different email, so to increase the success of you reaching out to her, collect all her known email addresses. Also, search our main offices like the RRR@ office for alternative emails.
3) Contact her using the following snippet which you can modify for the situation:
Hello Name,
We see your PayPal couldn't process your recurring payment. We just want to make sure that you are protected from the devourer.
“And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,” Says the LORD of hosts; “And all nations will call you blessed, For you will be a delightful land,” Says the LORD of hosts."
If you want to discontinue recurring payments, here's some information:
If we can help you in any other way, if you need more information, please reply and let us know.
Bless you!
It is so important that we make ladies who are having trouble tithing a priority. Most of these ladies are new to the ministry and have already faced so many obstacles.
One of the things that we need to emphasize to these ladies is that they now have the opportunity to GET to depend on Him to lead them and just for them to Surrender and Trust.
If there are lots of ladies having trouble with the same thing, let's make sure we make a video to guide them and make it easier for anyone coming in behind them to have the same problem.
Instead of just thinking of the ONE lady, think of everyone who comes in and how we can make it easier for them. Instead of answering just one person, let's make videos or add notes to our tithing pages, so all that comes behind can easily find what they are looking for.
A good example of this is that the ladies using Stripe from Brazil, are having trouble with the "." vs the "," when they convert the currency. When they copy and paste the amount in Stripe, it makes a $3.00 look like $300.00 and so some of them see their mistake and correct it, but the next lady gets so confused that she just decides not to tithe at all. If they knew about this obstacle beforehand, it would not make tithing such a stressful situation for them.
Currently we are using a snippet that you can adjust for you language:
Dear <NAME>
We saw that your recent payment through Stripe failed.
We want to encourage you to use this opportunity to develop your relationship with God as your Father, your Best Friend or your Husband, your Maker by drawing closer to Him and asking Him for wisdom. If you are experiencing difficulties to tithe, ask Him, He sees your heart regarding tithing and He wants to help and support you because without Him we can do nothing.
“For the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth, so that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” 2 Chronicles 16:9
"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." James 1:5
As Encouraging Women He called us to help support you in your desire to take the first step in obedience to Him by tithing to your Storehouse and to make sure that you are protected from the devourer. We want to encourage you to visit our Tithing page: Tithe English
But again, we would like to encourage you to use this opportunity to develop your relationship with the Lord by asking Him to help you and doing it together.
“Overpayment requests on invoices that are unwarranted and unearned must be returned and paid along with the appropriate fine that will be attached.”
★★★★★ Note, too, that there are consequences, not just blessings when we are entrusting an LMF to a Minister or Ministry Team. When we, unfortunately, see they've not produced fruits, and we've witnessed neglected fields that need to be tidied and tended after we have lovely reminded the LMF of the neglect or delayed caring for what has been entrusted to them, then we begin by removing 10% portions and investing it back into the Seeds—to pay to the ones who ultimately will have to deal with the clean up. After the third reduction, the LMF will transfer back to RMI. Before this policy, we simply encouraged, waited, and hoped for improvements, but without the penalty, we ultimately took back three key ministries.
Charitable Contribution Deductions
Some ladies may ask if it is possible to deduct the tithes they make to RMI (a non-profit entity) from their taxes (considered donations). This is different in each country since the tax laws are different in each country therefore the lady therefore the donor must comply with the laws of the country to know if it is possible for taxes to be deducted or not.
For your convenience, our nonprofit information is located in the footer on each of our web pages.
Restore Ministries International © 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. • POB 830 • Ozark, Missouri 65721 U.S.A • 501(C)(3) NON-PROFIT • EIN 59-3511048 •