
~ Erin Thiele is the founder of Restore Ministries International and the author of most of our books documenting her extensive Restoration Journey over three decades. 

In late 2023, Erin began offering her ministries as LMF to the women who had been working as RMI’s Ministry Team Members so they could work independently, though as One Body with the other LMFs. This has allowed Erin to focus on writing and overseeing her 38 Ministry Branches 🌿on 25 Websites Cloud Properties she built over the course of 33 years. 

Even though Erin has retired from ministering, she was excited to pass the torch of ministering to RMIOU Graduates and the many other passionate Ministers currently being trained; she smiles at the future, anticipating what her Beloved has in store for her.

Since 1991 RMI "Restore Ministries International" has been encouraging women (and later men) — giving them hope for their seemingly impossible and hopeless relationships — that ultimately changed every area of their lives! It all began when RMI’s founder, Erin Thiele, read and embraced this very simple but Powerful PROMISE:

"For nothing will be impossible with God." L137

It was in 2003 when the impossible happened, and RMI was recognized in the USA as a nonprofit 501(C)(3) church. It was impossible due to the fact that the Lord led Erin to "foolishly" fill out the forms herself during a 30-day fast.

"But God has chosen the foolish things [and people] of the world to confound the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong." 1C127

When the IRS got the papers and realized she'd filled them out herself, God gave her favor with the representative who literally walked her through every step of what she needed to be approved.

Now the "church without walls" has branches in many countries and is growing faster than we'd ever imagined.

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, ever imagine, dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.” E320

ONE Body

MANY Branches

ONE Source

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from ME you can do nothing." J155

Beginning with just ONE ministry, rooted in and trusting ONLY in the LORD, as the branches began to expand, each was encouraged to take root in solid ground streaming with fresh water from the Word—depicted in this beautiful banyan tree.

“BLESSED is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust IS THE LORD. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream And will not fear WHEN the heat comes; but its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit." J175

Each RMI Ministry Branch has its own policies, procedures, protocol, and guidelines—yet, each is shaded by and connected to the very same Source who encourages us to work together as ONE body.

"For even as the body is ONE and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are ONE BODY... For the body is not one member, but many. Now you are Christ’s body of believers and individual members of it. And I show you a still more excellent way." 1C12


Tribes Nations Tongues

"After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language..." R79

Ministering in other countries means we must respect and honor the people, the culture, the currencies, and the well-being. As a USA-based ministry, we have seen the destruction of economies when companies pay the same amount to a country that will drive their middle class into poverty (especially when it's coupled with American ex-pats who are able and more than willing to pay). Earlier on, once we moved from being solely a volunteer-based ministry to paying Independent Contractors, we honored CCL Prices based on the Cost Of Living Comparisons for the city and country.

Then, in 2022, our annual Partner Promise spoke of expanding, which meant letting go and providing established fields, vineyards, to encourage Ministers, coupled with Administers, to “Enlarge the site, the place of your tent, stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, stretched wide, build an addition, do not hold back, spare no expense! Lengthen your ropes and drive your stakes, your pegs in deep, firmly in the ground.” I542

“For you will spread out, expand abroad to the right and to the left, soon be bursting at the seams. Your descendants, offspring, seed will occupy other nations, dispossess nations and settle, resettle the ruined desolate, deserted cities, get back the land that the other nations now occupy.” I543

By the end of 2023, we trust our Husband will lead us, His bride, to establish Licenced Franchised Ministries—basically turning over the ministries to the women who translate and work the fields— who feed His sheep, His lambs. Internet or cloud real estate that includes all our resources. No one PAYS but instead, they are given seed, which comes from the offerings within our ministry branches. This will allow Erin to step away from her ministering and focus on writing while overseeing her Digital Cloud Properties.


To prevent our Ministry Team Members from the fatal dangers of burying their talents we established RMIOU. Built into the learning, they teach what they learned and are quickly posted—spreading their seed, providing an outlet—to prevent ending up as the Dead Sea and letting their light shine.

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello, good afternoon. My name is Natalie. I have bought both the hardcover copy and the audiobook “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” by Erin Thiele. It spoke about finding a prayer or support partner. I really need one ☹️. My husband and I have been separated for 2 years now now and I am doing every single thing wrong! He has returned a million times and every time he comes back I fall back into my old ways. Our longest no-contact was for almost a year. He reached out to me recently and after almost a year of no contact, I was still angry and bitter so my response pushed him away, back to the other woman ☹️. He keeps coming back but I don’t know how to keep him, unfortunately. I love and miss my husband. The book suggested finding a partner on this page…so here I am. Thank You, and have a wonderful day ❤️🩷

    1. Dear Natalie,
      my name is Kristine Daniels. I would like to welcome you to Restore Ministry International. You have come to the right place to receive the answers to the questions you have. How wonderful that you purchased the book How God Can and Wants to Restore Your Marriage. I remember very well that when I read the book four years ago I collapsed in disbelief because it seemed as if the book had been written especially for me. You can know that you are not alone in the struggles in your relationship. You no longer have to feel sad and hopeless about the many terrible situations you have experienced or will experience. Your God has everything under control and wants to hold your hand. On the restore journey you will make with Him. Now that you have the marriage book, I would encourage you to read it and keep reading it until it has become the basis for getting through the days. In addition, you could complete the following form if you have not already done so. After receiving the form, we can provide you with the support you request in a more better manner.
      I would also like to give you this page as encouragement. So much more will become clear to you once you have read it.
      Soon I hope to welcome you as the new bride of our Heavenly Man. Our Lord for whom nothing is impossible. Luke 1:37
      Much Love

  2. Good day
    I’m going through a hard time, I’m standing for my marriage and my husband has left he wants a divorce my story is so long and seems so impossible to fix, I would really like to email Erin my story, really need prayer and hope.

    1. Dear Paula, so sorry to hear what you are going through, but there is hope. Please visit then complete the FREE Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire ( From the moment you found us and filled out your Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire, you began your Restoration Journey that will literally change your life.

      After you completed the Questionnaire, you will be directed to the Evaluation pages that will guide you on Restoration Journey.

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