ONE Body • MANY Branches • ONE Source
Our RMI policies are used to clearly define our position and values of RMI, based on His Word, with every given procedure we do, laying out the protocol and giving our Ministers/Missionaries guidance—so each can not only work as a Minister/Missionary with the Lord, holding His hand—but also carry them into their personal life.
English •
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$ IOU $
Ignorance of the law doesn't mean you won't reap the consequences. That's how GOD created the universe and why government laws, like the founding fathers of the USA, follow this principle. To ensure the burden of knowing the law rests on the person performing, a financial fine of $15 for each infraction will be imposed, or a single IOU lesson that's similar to performing a type of community service.
RMI will continue accumulating policies, procedures, and protocols posted here as we experience the natural consequences. Yet, since GOD always uses things for GOOD, when basic or foundational policies, procedures, and protocols are either not known or not followed, we will impose a financial $ fine but offer the option to "boasting about your weakness" and record an IOU LESSON, plus the potential for double blessing—a financial bonus if there are 3 or more BW “boasting witness” blog comment. This means each $ FINE is an opportunity to learn, teach and also increase your monthly income. Be sure you don’t rob a Minister for redemptive remuneration by teaching the lesson instead of letting them learn and research plus getting income from BW “boasting weaknesses” power.
Lastly, if the lesson has been taught and posted on IOU or TPR, the fine is doubled, and the $ IOU $ is not available. So be sure you follow IOU#ADM
Responsibility of the MINISTER or ADMinister
Some policies, procedures, etc., are the responsibility of the ADM, so if you are fined, the fine needs to be imposed on the one responsible. This is similar to the owner of the car versus who's driving the car. A parking fine will automatically go to the car owner, even if it was parked by someone else who used that car.
POSTS in Another Language —Before APPROVING a post— FIRST add the TRANSLATION for your site's LANGUAGE— THEN approve. Do not add it as a comment. Note: The orange Translate doesn't translate individual posts; it's designed to translate the entire website to the visitor's language.
Go the extra mile and add the link to the LNG used—creating a bridge. Example
LMF Blog Policy
1. Posts Daily.
2. Content Resource Driven.
3. Bridge to the Source.
*A blog post must be anchored in 2-3 Promises if no Resource is referenced. Example
To move USERS up there must be a profile picture of themselves. Thank them for their encouraging comments and posted praise then ask them to provide the necessary additional info to their account. Watch for and encourage welcoming FAMILY and IOU Students to be your apprentice, then intern to join your team.
Emails a QUESTION. LMFs and ministers, PLEASE do NOT reply to an email with the answer. Instead, post the question and the answer on your blog, then reply to the email with the link to the post. This will accomplish many things: not training them to ask us, giving the answer to others who may have wondered but never asked, plus the potential of getting input from other ministers. Example.
Link Rule: It opens to a NEW page when it navigates OFF your website.
Emojis can be added AFTER the auto-generated URL "page address" is created. If it's done before, then it needs endless coding to allow a variety of computers and phones to read the directions to your page or blog post. EXAMPLE:
added 12 characters, which means it's easily misread or broken.
Learn more>> CLEAN URLs the Bridge that can be Broken!!
Implementing new plugins, forms, etc. on our websites
1) Add it to the TPR website, to make sure that:
-if it is a plugin, it does not conflict with other plugins or crash the website.
-If it is a form, test it out to make sure the procedure is light and easy to follow.
After this first step, it gets launched on the English websites so it can be tested in a live environment (this is called a soft launch - the release of a new product or service to a restricted audience or market in advance of a full launch.
After feedback and changes, it is rolled out to all the other websites and fully implemented.