ONE Source
ONE Body
MANY Branches
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from ME you can do nothing." J155

Licensed Ministry Franchises
Licensed Ministry Franchises, LMF, whereby RMI will be leasing all 24 ministries and websites Digital Property to the women who minister, translate, and administratively work the fields— who feed His sheep, His lambs. LMFs began in late 2022 and we hope will be fully completed by the end of 2023.
Internet or cloud real estate that includes all our resources, where No One PAYS but instead, qualified ministers are given the digital property of a website and its contents to lease, cultivate, continue to build for an agreed amount of time, renewable if fruits are produced.
LMFs have been set up whereby the income (tithes and offerings) is generated from the people who are being spiritually fed, and the LFM agrees to be responsible for the caring, nurturing, and growth of their ministry. LMFs are also responsible for their tithe and offering to RMI for leasing their digital property, including the storehouse and warehoused digital property that includes books, courses, and blogs, which may include an existing Facebook Group and YouTube Channel.
Licenses are renewed first for 30 days, then 90 days, 6 months, then 12 months—before being renewed annually, so we are certain the Minister and ®️ Administrator exhibit the same heart for the people, and we also see they have produced fruits. Each property must include a ®️ Administrator to oversee the running of the ministry.
Witnessing fields that produce fruit and more seeds to be planted is meant to not only supply the needs of their own ministry team but also to pay it forward—planting and watering the seeds by adopting new VIP translators—sponsoring new ministries using the collected Seed money from the LMF offerings.
📍 Consistency amongst the websites/ministry fields is just a small part of the benefits of franchising and allowing continuity in design but, most importantly, the principles, policies, and procedures amongst all RMI ministries. READ MORE >>
Orphaned Ministries. Over the years translators and ministers have come and gone—leaving behind ministries that have been abandoned and need to be fostered. Please take a moment to find out how you can help find someone to foster one of our many Orphaned Ministries.
Before renewing your agreement, we ask you to prepare a comprehensive video showing:
1) The fruits of your ministry before signing your agreement for the upcoming period (then 90 days, 6 months, 12 months, and annually).
“A tree is identified by its fruit. If a tree is good, its fruit will be good."
"Each tree is known and identified by its own fruit."
2) Please also include any difficulties you are dealing with— we can agree God will use them for good.
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for GOOD to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
3) And finally, please share your vision for the future.
"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will show you great and mighty and marvelous and wondrous things, which you do not know…things to come, things you could never figure out on your own, remarkable secrets…“
Be sure you're working with your Husband by simply opening the tabs on your websites, social media, inboxes, or documents to explain everything quickly. With the uploaded video to the "LMF Fruits 🍇 Video Folder," we can see how your 🌱 Branch has remained connected to the VINE 🌿.
"I am the VINE. You are My branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."

RMI is currently opening up opportunities for women and men to plant their own fields and feed their sheep by leasing property/ministry's websites—especially taking over available, well-planted, flourishing fields.
We are currently offering LMF when we witness ministering through "posted praise," as well as blog comments —showing a passion for ministering to the flock already coming to the website/field to be fed —THESE are the candidates we will begin offering our available License Ministry Franchise ministries.
These Ministers will be seen as business OWNERS even though RMI LEASE the cloud ☁️ property furnished building.
Many current and past translators have taken our English resources and have beautifully translated them into their own languages, their mother tongues. Yet we discovered in early 2023 that many were built and stocked full of resources but were empty of LIFE—the life we see now on our blogs.
So, for all those built but abandoned Ministry websites, we are opening the opportunity for MISSIONARIES—women who may NOT speak the language but are called missionaries. You may have visited a country where this language is spoken, you may have married into another culture, like Sara in Turkey, or you may speak the language fluently like Poppy, who went to a French-speaking school at a young age—or there's no reason whatsoever you feel CALLED and want to answer the call to GO.
Whether or not a minister or a missionary, tithes, and offerings paid to that ministry will remain in that ministry to feed their sheep and provide a stream of income for their shepherds, OFTEN receiving their financial support from Sponsors who adopt the Minister and provide administrative assistance until they are fully operational.
- Missionaries also agree to a clause in the AGREEMENT to actively *If a Missionary, I agree to actively seek GOD for a Minister (the language is their mother tongue).
- Please note: To ensure a minister is being sought, once the missionary finds a minister, whatever the financial level has been built to, will remain and be paid to the missionary first, then the increased profits will be divided between the missionary and minister—and there will be an increase once the blog begins interaction, and more women (or men) are eager to come to be spiritually fed.
- We don’t want lights hidden so to witness that Missionaries are actively being sought after and they are being reached out to,
Post a Praise weekly and this is when we Ask for prayer. Name those who have left and use that link to reach out via Telegram and email.
When a Franchise Ministry Field lacks a shepherd, it becomes available so that the sheep remain fed by a missionary while actively looking for a Minister. Ministers and Missionaries that are still available are on RMI's Home page. Look for *This Licensed Ministry Franchise is currently available.
Many ministers and missionaries are Sponsored and given assigned tasks for keeping the blog going “feeding His sheep”—using all the translated resources and keeping the fields with fresh spiritual meals will result in a prosperous and rewarding Ministry for anyone with the passion and the connection to the One Source.
Another type of website and a type of ministry is our eCommerce when it's SALES rather than donations that keep the ministry going. An example is NRPH.ORG "NarrowRoad Publishing and Encouraging Bookstore.
If you look at our best seller wRYM there are several sales venues, each creating a stream of income and offering written and audio ministering to a different audience.
*If you are interested in feeding the sheep from any available fields, a.k.a. RMI websites, then please read over this page carefully, LMF Consistency requirements. AND "post a praise" that ends with Yes. Add me to your mailing list, so you get any updates to LMF or new Consistency requirements so we can continue to build:
from ONE Source
as ONE Body
with MANY Branches
RMI pays dividends to each LMF on the 1st of each month. Each LMF is responsible for collecting the totals from the Donor Tools spreadsheet to be ready for the bookkeeper to make the payments.
*Please note: When payments fall on a weekend, it will be moved forward to Monday.
Any expenses that are incurred by RMI due to application and software purchases will be divided on a percentage basis depending on the size of the LMF.
Provided Protection
RMI provides and pays for the WordPress Security Plugin that is recommended by our Cloud Website Host Company Flywheel, which means your LMF is kept running and safe from hacking. RMI also provides a webmaster who logs into each of our LMF websites to make sure it's up and running, along with a checklist done every day of the year. If there is something not right, our webmaster team contacts our Host Company, Flywheel, and reaches out to you via your Telegram Group. This same group allows you to ask questions or voice concerns.
Another security protection provided by RMI is a plugin called WordFence which is an important plugin to prevent spam and hacker attacks with a firewall for protection from attacks.
Hola gracias por toda estás información, desde que leí y entendí muchas cosas sobre todo esto, tengo en mi corazón el deseo ferviente de también tener un ministerio y de alguna manera ayudar en algún ministerio huérfano, y quiero que mi amado me guíe a esto, en verdad siento un gran 🔥 en mi corazón de compartir a otras mujeres todo ese amor que mi amado me ha brindado y toda la ayuda que por vía de este ministerio TMI mi amado me a dado🔥🔥♥️♥️♥️
Tengo un ministerio con 9 mujeres que nos reunimos cada lunes a partir de las 6:30p.m a orar, estudiar su palabra y de los recursos de este ministerio, estamos estudiando La Mujer Sabía, .
Pero me gustaria llegar a más mujeres.
Se que el señor me está llamando u me está preparando.
Hace muchos años, yo tenía 16 años el me dijo ID POR TODO EL MUNDO Y HACED DISCIPULOS.
Aquí estoy mi señor sigue guiandome.
Hello, thank you for all this information, since I read and understood many things about all this, I have in my heart the fervent desire to also have a ministry and in some way help in some orphan ministry, and I want my beloved to guide me to this, I truly feel great 🔥in my heart to share with other women all that love that my beloved has given me and all the help that through this RMI ministry my beloved has given me 🔥🔥♥️ ♥️ ♥️
I have a ministry with 9 women who meet every Monday starting at 6:30 p.m. to pray, study his word and the resources of this ministry, we are studying The Wise Woman.
But I would like to reach more women.
I know that the Lord is calling me and preparing me.
Many years ago, I was 16 years old, he told me, GO AROUND THE WORLD AND MAKE DISCIPLES.
Here I am my lord continue to guide me.
Hola Nelly, Me alegro mucho que tengas el corazón para tu propio ministerio, te animo a que busques fuertemente a tu Esposo Celestial para que te guie hacia donde debes moverte segun Su plan para ti. Si es que EL desea que tengas un ministerio en linea o una comunidad de mujeres mas grande como la que ya tienes y que EL mismo hará crecer, de manera que puedas tomar la dirección correcta. Ya que eres una alumna de RMIOU puedes aprovechar las lecciones que Adina publica con frecuencia sobre como funciona un apagina web y como publicar en ellas, ya que si es un minsiterio en linea lo que EL te guia entonces podras comenzar alli. Ademas puedes usar redes sociales para compartir con muchas mas mujeres. Lo más importante es que lo busques y escuches de EL, que sigas Su guia para ti. Una vez que sepas que camino tomar, estaré feliz de darte mas información dependiendo del camino que EL te muestra, así que espero tener noticias tuyas pronto!!
muchas gracias Anastasia, así lo haré.