RMI Tour #1
Welcome to our Restoration Journey Tour. The purpose of this tour is to assist you in understanding the many different websites of RMI and the purpose of each site, and how to navigate through each one of them.
Where do you start? You can choose! Depending on your unique circumstances.
If you need help with your marriage or a relationship, click the Hope At Last logo.
If you need more of the Lord or you need healing from various hurts in your life, click on the Love At Last logo. Also, remember that Love At Last.ORG is also for you to move on after you have received hope for restoring a relationship. It is very important for your restoration journey not to get stuck on just hope but to begin working on a closer relationship with the Lord, which will be the turning point in your life.
Maybe you are looking for family resources for your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or any other children in your life—Click on the Homegrown Ministries logo.
Want to pay it forward and have a heart for ministering to other women, and you want to share what you have received and learned here and be able to reach out to other women in your situation, visit our Restore Ministries International Online University to learn how.
Each of these 4 English websites also comes with its own tour that goes into more detail than we do here.
During your journey, you can visit our Encouraging bookstore to buy (or sow into other women's lives) resources in many languages. You can also visit Encouraging Women for ongoing encouragement.
Are you an aspiring author? Or would you like to read Restoration Journey Novels? Visit Narrow Road Publishing. Click on each logo to explore.
We have MORE for you to explore!
For men, sons, brothers, uncles, and fathers, we have an Encouraging Men's website. Please visit Restoreministriesinternational.com for more information and even more languages.
What is the cost to you? NOTHING. Everything we offer is FREE because HE, our Husband, our Maker, paid the price. However, we accept tithes and offerings, which we INVEST into women's lives worldwide—like you! WELCOME!!!
"Now let me pray for you, Dear God; please guide this special sister along her journey. And her ears shall hear a word behind her saying, this is the way, walk here, when she turns to her right and when she turns to her left (see Isa. 30:21).
“Please reassure her when she sees a thousand fall on her right side and ten thousand at her left; help her to know that if she follows You, it will not happen to her (see Ps. 91:7). Hide her under your protective wings.
“Help her to find the narrow path that will lead her to life, the abundant life You have for her and for her family. Father, I pray for a testimony you can use to encourage other women once this precious sister is healed and restored—first to You! We will give You all the honor and praise. Amen.”
Hope at Last Tour Script
Welcome to Hope At Last! Are you facing a marriage or a relationship crisis? Have you been desperately searching and praying for HOPE and a way to restore your marriage? Here at HopeAtLast.com, we have various Marriage Courses available.
On this webpage, you will find our 3 Free Marriage Courses.
Course 1 is a Marriage Minister Course designed to heal your broken heart and start you off on your restoration journey. You will be able to read the testimonies of women who have experienced a restored marriage— women who have faced the level of pain you have felt.
Course 2 is our Securing Your Success Course. This course is designed to encourage you to LIVE through a difficult marriage or separation, face divorce, and do this graciously as a Believer!
We have "Be Encouraged"video’s that you can watch. Our "Be Encouraged" videos are in Course 1 and Course 2.
Course 3 is our Wise Woman Course, designed for every woman, married, separated, divorced or younger, never married, and even lessons for young children. Most of us have torn down our homes with our bare hands because we lacked knowledge of God's Word. This course encourages and shows you how to rebuild your life on the Rock!
We also have a Facing Divorce Course. Are you Facing Divorce? Desperate for help? Legal Protection? Do you need to know and understand what to do when Facing Divorce? This course is your scriptural litigation guide and a must so you can know what to do, and help family or friends, which is based entirely on testimonies and what God says!
Be sure to check out the Menu at the top of every page. On the menu, you will find our Free Courses, and when you hover over it, you will see all the free courses we offer you.
At the end of every Lesson in each course, you will find a link to post praise or fill out a short journal. We highly recommend that you pour out your heart and thoughts into the journal form, writing to the Lord, as this is when true healing occurs!! The other benefit of filling in the Journal form is that it counts towards our Online University. When you complete our Marriage Courses by journaling each lesson, you can automatically become an apprentice, then an intern on your way to becoming a Minister!!
To end, please be sure to visit our blog here at Hope At Last for encouragement because restoration is not an easy journey, so to stay encouraged, visit daily. The blog features praise reports, information about the resources and lessons, comments that will encourage and minister to you, and also any ministry updates.
Loveatlast.ORG Tour Script
Welcome to Love At Last! Here you will find the kind of love you have dreamt about having your entire life—love that felt unreal or unattainable as you grew up. Maybe you got disillusioned and no longer believed in Love, but here on Love At Last, you will find the Love you dreamt of as a little girl—everlasting love that will make your heart soar. You will meet the Man of your dreams, the Prince of Peace, and the Lover of your soul. Someone who will never leave or forsake you—in fact, He is the One you've longed for. He is the only One who can fulfill you and give you the Abundant Life you've been searching for all along—as your Husband, your Maker.
Whether you are married, separated, divorced, or have never been married...
Whether you need a restoration of your marriage or if you have decided to continue on your journey alone...
We all need Him as our Heavenly Husband. We all need that close relationship with Him and the Abundant Life He died to give us.
Here on Love At Last, you will find exactly that and more. So let us show you around our site and give you a tour to finding the perfect relationship and the Abundant Life that will make you feel like you're floating on air.
When you open the LoveAtLast.org site, you will first see our amazing homepage with a beautiful introduction to understand His Everlasting Love written by Erin Thiele. Please take a moment to read it and let it sink deep into your heart.
*Go through the menu items, briefly explaining each item.
RMIOU.com Tour Script
Welcome to IOU, our online University. When you read the introduction to our website, you will see it was based on the principle that Erin told the Lord, “I owe You” everything and thus the name is a wonderful double meaning for Online University and IOU.
Our University brings together all our websites and teaches you in whatever He leads you to do.
We have different courses for you to take, that you will already be doing along your Restoration Journey and now you will only be accredited for the work you have already done! Amazing isn’t it?
If your passion is Ministering to other, we have Marriage Restoring Minister, Abundant Life Coach or HomeGrown Coach, depending on where He is leading you. And it can be all of them too. We have a Ministry Commitment course for you to do so you can learn from our Erin’s years of experience as a Minister.
If you are gifted Administratively, we have courses on what we have learned over the years and what works best and the mistakes we have made, that you can now avoid. Ask Him to send you a minister to pair up with and you can start your own Ministry using all the resources that have been developed specifically with you in mind.
When you start your courses and our Licenced Ministry Franchise owners see you have a heart for her ministry, she will invite you to become a Minister in Training and you can move up to an Intern and Resident and again be able to start your own ministry as a Minister.
Enroll today and make sure you pay forward what you have received here. Encourage with the encouragement you have received. if you are not convinced yet, read all our testimonials. Hope to see you soon!
*Go through the menu items, briefly explaining each item.